Saturday, September 16, 2023

Graduation Day @ KIT, Amsterdam, Sep 2023

On September 1st, 2023 I graduated with a distinction in Master of Public Health from KIT, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. It was a wonderful culmination of the year long journey of ups and downs, but a year of great learnings. 

On the occasion my friend and fellow MPH batch mate, Craig Dube from Zimbabwe, and I gave a speech on behalf of the class. We got some rare compliments for the direct and so I thought I should leave it in print somewhere. Now you know what this blog piece is about :) I also have some pictures from the graduation day at the end of this blog. Enjoy!


Lakshmi (LK): Good evening everyone - esteemed guests, faculty members, students of the MIH and MPH batch, family, and friends. It's an absolute honour and privilege to represent the 59th batch of MPH students at KIT for the second time in a year. 

I remember, when we started off an year ago in the reading room, I was in awe of the impressive setting. And now, to be here in this magnificent marble hall with all of you and an year full of rich experiences, I dare say, life is not the same, we are not the same. It feels surreal! We, the batch of 49 students came with dreams in our eyes and hope and excitement in our hearts. Today we are richer with knowledge and experiences, for sure, but more importantly, HUMBLED! Humbled, for we now know the depth and breadth of knowledge is far and vast, and the way it can impact lives is beyond imagination!

Craig and I delivering the speech at the magnificent marble hall

Craig Dube (CD): Yes. what a year it has been! We huddled together in groups to build a health system for a new country in two days, we wrote proposals that we believed would change the world, well maybe they will. We even had the health ministers who refused to pass our programme budgets without enough rationale! We learnt to read numbers as sentences and new words breached into our vocabulary to become a permanent part of it. DALY’s & QALY’s Blue boxes and gender equality became part of our everyday stories. But it was not all work and no joy. We had parties and danced nights away to songs which became our anthems. We shared food, learnt about each other's ways and cultures and realised we may have come appearing different but our ambitions desire to do good for our communities, connected us. We definitely had fun but then, we had some trying times too..

LK: "One day this terrible war will be over. The time will come when we will be humans again" Anne Frank wrote this in her diary in April 1944. Seventy nine years later in April 2023, the war in Sudan broke out affecting so many around the world including our Sudaneese friends in the class. From not being able to easily contact their families to hearing the bombarding in the background when on calls with them, to losing homes and family members to the crimes of war, and the uncertainties around them, our friends from Sudan have faced challenges that we cannot even fathom. In fact, challenge is a small word. I take this opportunity on behalf of the class to say this - Dear friends, We saw what you went through. We stand by you, professionally and personally, and we will do the best we can to support you. And I know it is easier said than done, but YES ... YES, THIS TOO SHALL PASS! <momentary pause>

This year also has been hard for many of our friends who faced a personal loss - loss of a parent, a sibling, a child, a family member -  to an enemy of mankind other than war - diseases. It wasn't easy at all. It was especially hard as our friends were away, here in a faraway country when their loved ones back home departed from the mortal world. Let's take a moment here to pray for their souls. [Pause] During these trying times, our facilitators provided us with great support. Thank you! We very much appreciate it. 

Despite all this, our spirits were held high, thanks to the support from so many quarters... We also travelled far and wide.. 

CD: Really? Remember how many people turned up at Sportsday in the Hague or that one gathering in Vondelpaark??. 

LK: ah! But then we all went to Geneva too. When was the last time you went on an inter-country school excursion like that?

CD: True true. And most of us still have our WhatsApp profile pictures set at the World Health Organization. We even went on a weekend Island trip to watch seals and enjoy the winter sun and maybe learnt a thing or two  about health systems in the same breath ...

LK: ha ha ha it was fun! But I think the best journey was that of the journey within. Don't you think so?

CD: I absolutely agree. As a cohort, we deeply appreciate the professionalism and commitment to service that our facilitators here present, those that could not be here and the diverse guest lecturers, exhibited throughout the course. We thank the custodians of this Sustainable development goals house for accommodating us the privilege to learn within its confines. It was indeed a long journey and by no means was it a walk in the park but we gather here today to celebrate the ups and downs of that journey. 

Even though some of us could not make it till the finish line at the same time, I understand that this cohort will remain a supportive community we can reach in to and walk the rest of the journey together. May the kindness, tolerance and empathy we exhibited to each other, be extended to the people we love, to the voices we represent and the callings we serve. To the MPH class of 2023, i leave these words by the late Paul Farmer to you “The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that’s wrong with the world”So friends, Let us  continue our pursuit to challenge the MSE inequalities.

LK. Indeed. We did learn many things this year through the MPH course and look at the irony that life presents, these things happened back home in real - diseases and conflicts claimed lives and livelihoods. This only tells us that a lot of work remains to be done. That we have a lot of work to do. Earlier in this academic year, I had mentioned that this class is a walking-talking human library of over 30, three zero different health systems. But now i feel we are a collective force that has the immense strength and capability to transcend beyond our country borders talk, share, innovate ... and change the face of global health! 



The promised pictures :)   

     Proud post-graduate - for the 2nd time
Also, distinction holder!!
With my academic advisor (and unofficial therapist), Elaine. 

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